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Technical Articles – Page 1

My official “Request for Correction” submitted to NIST regarding freefall of WTC7 by David Chandler
My Measurement of Freefall for WTC7 by David Chandler (Article for the Rock Creek Free Press)
Destruction of the World Trade Center North Tower and Fundamental Physics by David Chandler, Journal of 9/11 Studies, Volume 28, February 2010

The Missing Jolt: A Simple Refutation of the NIST-Bazant Collapse Hypothesis by Prof. Graeme MacQueen and Tony Szamboti, Journal of 9/11 Studies, Volume 24, January 2009
Extremely high temperatures during the World Trade Center Destruction
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

Extremely high temperatures during the World Trade Center Destruction
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe