The Explosive Evidence at the WTC on 9/11 | (120 pages)
Executive Summary – White Paper
The Explosive Evidence at the World Trade Center on 9/11
The accompanying report, in three parts, compellingly refutes the official explanation of what happened at the World Trade Center (WTC) on September 11, 2001 . It presents overwhelming evidence that the destruction of WTC Building 7, the North Tower (WTC 1), and the South Tower (WTC 2) resulted from explosive controlled demolition. Drawing from eyewitness accounts, forensic evidence, and established engineering principles, this report raises critical, officially uninvestigated questions about the events at the WTC that day.
WTC Building 7: Evidence of Controlled Demolition
Building 7, a 47-story fire-resistant steel-framed skyscraper, collapsed at 5:20 PM, even though it was not struck by a plane. The official explanation, in government reports, attributes the sudden, symmetrical collapse to office fires , historically unprecedented in steel-framed high-rise buildings.
The forensic evidence and first responder eyewitnesses tell...
Part 1: The Controlled Demolition of Building 7
The Explosive Evidence at the World Trade Center on 9/11
By Richard Gage, AIA, Architect
This first of three parts presents well-documented evidence demonstrating that WTC Building 7 was destroyed by explosive controlled demolition.
We ask that you set aside any pre-judgment that might keep you from evaluating these facts objectively, and let the chips fall where they may. Most building professionals who review this evidence agree with our conclusions and join us in the call for a new investigation as evidenced by the 3,600 architects & engineers signed on to the petition .

The evidence regarding WTC 7 includes its sudden, uniform, and symmetrical descent at free-fall acceleration.
Their findings are based principally on the compelling evidence for the signature features of a typical controlled demolition being present at WTC7 on September 11, 2001:

Part 2: The Twin Towers’ Explosive Destruction
The Explosive Evidence at the World Trade Center on 9/11
by Richard Gage, AIA, Architect
The official narrative suggests that the plane impacts and ensuing fires weakened the structure , resulting in a gravitational collapse. The best evidence, most of which once again, was destroyed before forensic investigators had a chance to perform a proper forensic investigation, or was omitted from the NIST report , supports a starkly different conclusion – pointing squarely to a very unique type of controlled demolition which we can readily discern with our own eyes:

Each of the Twin Towers exhibited a very explosive destruction – not a ‘pancake’ collapse as suggested by the official narrative.
We have even greater dispositive clarity from video, forensic, and eyewitness evidence for the explosive destruction of these towers than we did for Building 7:

Part 3: Extreme Heat and Thermite Incendiaries
The Explosive Evidence at the World Trade Center on 9/11
By Richard Gage, AIA, Architect
1. FEMA Report, Appendix C
Before the NIST investigation, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) conducted a preliminary cursory investigation and produced a Building Performance Assessment Report .
In Appendix C of that report, the agency described steel samples from Building 7 that had undergone a “high-temperature corrosion attack ” that had turned a heavy steel beam flange “ into Swiss cheese .”

FEMA found “ evidence of a severe high-temperature corrosion attack on the steel , including rapid oxidation and sulfidation with subsequent intergranular melting….”

FEMA’s metallographic analysis showed that the steel had not only melted but that some of...