Parallels: 9/11 & Covid – The Video You Want to Watch
RG911 Presents to “Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics Int’l” Last week we were invited by Dr. Stephen Frost, the founder of Australia’s “Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics Int’l” to share our full 2 hour “9/11 & Covid Parallels” presentation to the group. We have had several requests to present to groups of Doctors around the country — both in…
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RG911 Presents “Parallels: 9/11 & Covid” – Portland, OR
Recorded in Portland, OR on the 10-City RV Speaking Tour Stop Recorded! We send a huge heart full of gratitude to Bill Coons! You can watch the whole video now: Richard Gage, AIA, Architect presents the astonishing parallels between the 9/11 event 22 years ago, and the more recent Covid 19 series of events. These…
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RG911 Winds Up 10-City RV Speaking Tour with WTC Evidence in Seattle
Also, Full Video Available from Portland Tour Stop: “Astonishing Parallels – 9/11 & Covid”! We had plenty of spirit at all of the stops on our 10-City West Coast RV Speaking Tour, thanks to the amazing local activists and their friends & family who showed up to learn all about “The Explosive Destruction of the…
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Northern CA, Oregon, Washington RV Speaking Tour!
Sept 20 to Oct 1 – with RichardGage911 Join Richard & Gail in or near YOUR City! Live in California? Oregon? Washington? Or know someone who does? Do them a personal favor and send them into the rabbit hole for a night. We will give them 2 hours of 9/11 Truth. And they will, in…
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The Final Deep Dive – #8: “Predictive Programming” & “Revelation of the Method”
Ann Vandersteel of The Zelenko Report & RG911 Complete the “9/11 & Covid Parallels” Series with the Ultimate Rabbit Hole [See Part 1 & 2: Ann Vandersteel of ‘The Zelenko Report’ Hosts RG911 for Multi-Part WTC Evidence Series] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #3: Extreme Heat at WTC 7] [See 9/11: WTC “Deep Dive #4”] [See…
Continue Reading The Final Deep Dive – #8: “Predictive Programming” & “Revelation of the Method”
Ann Vandersteel Offers Deep Dive #7: “The Parallels of 9/11 & Covid” w/RG911
The Zelenko Report Broadcasts Kevin Ryan’s “Parallels” [See Part 1 & 2: Ann Vandersteel of ‘The Zelenko Report’ Hosts RG911 for Multi-Part WTC Evidence Series] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #3: Extreme Heat at WTC 7] [See 9/11: WTC “Deep Dive #4”] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #5: “The Twin Towers and Extreme Heat”] [See 9/11 Deep…
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9/11 Deep Dive #6: “Parallels of 9/11 & Covid” Hosted by Ann Vandersteel
The Zelenko Report Broadcasts 9/11 Truth to Huge Audience [See Part 1 & 2: Ann Vandersteel of ‘The Zelenko Report’ Hosts RG911 for Multi-Part WTC Evidence Series] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #3: Extreme Heat at WTC 7] [See 9/11: WTC “Deep Dive #4”] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #5: “The Twin Towers and Extreme Heat”] [See…
Continue Reading 9/11 Deep Dive #6: “Parallels of 9/11 & Covid” Hosted by Ann Vandersteel
Done With Covid
Featured Article: by Shari Dovale The truth is coming out on the Not-so-deadly pandemic. The New World Order aristocracy planned this game to depopulate the world to levels they consider ‘sustainable’. They planned to de-legitimatize the medical profession, and get the world to stop trusting their healthcare professionals. This was successful.It was obvious to most when they…
The Real Anthony Fauci | The Movie
You’re aware of the book. You were waiting to see the movie. Your time is now! Part 1 of this long-awaited documentary is FREE to watch, NOW – but for 10 days only. Gail and I are whole-hearted supporters of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense since well before our foray into…
New Video: The Incredible Parallels Between 9/11 & COVID | Richard Gage, AIA and Madhava Setty, MD
This unique presentation is an exercise in “sense making.” We look at the incredible Parallels between the 9/11 and COVID19 Deep State False Flag events which developed originally by Kevin Ryan. These are the two events that have had the largest impact on our society. But were they “intended outcomes” and thus “planned events”? Review…
[Video Avail.] Amazing Parallels Between 9/11 & Covid
Great news! You can now see this long-awaited video for a short period of time! G. Edward Griffin Draws 2 Dozen Power-Speakers to Wake Up Indianapolis! Gail and I hope that you will be able to make the time to see what the fuss was all about. As detailed below, this turned out to be…
Continue Reading [Video Avail.] Amazing Parallels Between 9/11 & Covid
Websites for Covid Truth
1. 2. 3. The Highwire with Del Bigtree (podcast) 4. Stop World Control 5. The End of Covid – 100+ hours of content, covering every aspect of the “pandemic.”
9/11 Anthrax: Attacks & Response with Vaccine Expert Meryl Nass, MD
The official narrative about the 9/11 events did not include Anthrax – at all. Why then were Bush, Cheney, & staff put on Cipro – the antibiotic for treatment of anthrax on 9/11? What are the problems with the Anthrax letters official narrative? Richard Gage, AIA, Architect is a reader-supported publication. To support our work…
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Covid19/11: Narratives Intertwined
A growing number of 9/11 Truth activists are seeing links between 9/11 and Covid-19. So does the Off-Guardian, a news outlet in the UK that has the audacity to report on 9/11 evidence that contradicts the official narrative. In other words, this news outlet will actually publish information and essays that The Guardian would never print.For the…
Parallels between 9/11 and Covid – Kevin Ryan Kevin Ryan December 31, 2021 It’s been a year since I’ve written anything for this blog. The reason, frankly, is that I have been at a loss for words. What has happened to human society in the last two years has been, for anyone with an understanding of history, beyond belief. Of course, it…
Continue Reading Parallels between 9/11 and Covid – Kevin Ryan
Data, Stats & History
Article: Suddenly & Unexpectedly (Obituary Stats) Article: VAERS data is crystal clear: The COVID vaccines are killing an estimated 1 person per 1,000 doses (676,000 dead Americans) – Steve Kirsch Video: Sasha Latypova on DoD ownership of mRNA injectables Article: Solving Covid – The Covid 19, Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline 769 Athletes Collapsed This…
Medical Insights
Study: Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study Article: MILLIONS of Self-Assembling Nanotech Entities’ in COVID-19 Injections Video: THE ANTIDOTE | The Explosive Truth, Origin, and Antidote for Covid-19 – Dr Bryan Ardis Video: HORRIFYING DISCOVERY IN UNVAXXED BLOOD –…
Documentaries & Movies
Stew Peters Documentary “Died Suddenly” Planet Lockdown Dr. Peter McCullough | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown Series
Legal Perspectives
Video: Kansas Attorney General is now suing Pfizer for their mRNA COVID vaccine poisons Gates & Fauci charged with crimes against humanity – Big Pharma, Gates, Fauci, UK officials accused of crimes against humanity in complaint to International court Roadmap for Prosecuting COVID Crimes – Dr Joseph Mercola Dr. Shankara Chetty, Corona Investigative Committee -…
Book review by Robert Malone: “The Wuhan Cover Up” by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Propaganda in Focus – Analyzing Persuasive Communication and Censorship
Dr Peter McCullough on Joe Rogan Dr Robert Malone on Joe Rogan Jimmy Dore – Pfizer Releases LONG List Of Over 1000 Vaxx Adverse Events Dr David Martin – Monkeypox outbreak forecasted one year in advance in “drill” James Corbett – The Global Pandemic Treaty: What You Need to Know…
Predictive Programming
CNN: A global epidemic of cancer among people younger than 50 could be emerging Former CDC Director: Bird Flu is the Real Pandemic – Covid-19 was just practice · Spars Pandemic ScenarioDownload Simulation of Fictitious Monkeypox Virus Pandemic – Global Research
Healing Protocols
Dr Bryan Ardis Dr Zandré Botha Freedom Force Battalion Zelenko Protocols Dr Judy Mikovits Time to Free America
Psychology of Covid
Is the Coronavirus Scare a Psychological Operation? Kevin RyanHow to Break Free of Fear Addiction – Dr Joseph Mercola Understanding the Psychology Behind the COVID Pandemic – Dr Joseph MercolaPlandemic 3 Interview with Dr Mattias Desmet, the author of Psychology of Totalitarianism, on the theory of mass formation
Grand Jury: The Court of Public Opinion
Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples´ Court of Public OpinionEmpowering Public Conscience through Natural Law‘Injustice to One is an Injustice to All’ We, a group of international lawyers and a judge, hereby are conducting criminal investigation modelled after the United States Grand Jury proceedings. This Grand Jury Investigation serves as a model legal proceeding to present…
Informative Articles
Article: Etienne de la Boetie – The 15 Stages of Denial Among Recipients of the Covid-19 “Vaccine” (Bio-Weapon) Article: Steve Kirsch – A summary of the evidence against the COVID vaccines Video: SASHA LATYPOVA – “EXPOSING THE VACCINE ‘MILITARY MACHINERY’ BEHIND THE GLOBAL COVID-19 RESPONSE” Video: RFK Jr. Exposes “Event 201”, Bill Gates, Fauci, and…
The Media and Covid-19
The Role of the Media Fran Shure, Part 23A: The Role of the Media — The Structure of the Media: What Happened to the Legacy Media? Part-23A_Media-Structure-Legacy-Media_FINAL-1Download Fran Shure, Part 23B: The Role of the Media — The Structure of the Media: Digital Media and “Warp-Speed” Censorship in the Covid Era FShure_Part-23B-FINAL-w-Images-1Download Feds Secretly Paid…