Gage founded AE911Truth shortly after hearing the Berkeley KPFA Radio program “Explosive Testimony” on the Guns & Butter program hosted by Bonnie Faulkner on March 29, 2006.

Gage founded AE911Truth shortly after hearing the Berkeley KPFA Radio program “Explosive Testimony” on the Guns & Butter program hosted by Bonnie Faulkner on March 29, 2006.

Faulkner was interviewing David Ray Griffin, author of now more than 14 books exposing the dark nature of the events of September 11, 2001. Griffin was discussing his essay written about the research of Prof. Graeme Macqueen who reviewed more than 500 transcripts of the Oral Histories from the first responders and found 118 (now 156) of them testifying to hearing, seeing, and experiencing explosions, none of which were included in the official narrative of the Twin Tower’s collapse.

It was packed with “9/11 Truthers”, a paradigm-shifting concept to digest, so he had to go home and watch the livestream. There he was shocked to learn from Griffin about the free-fall collapse of a third skyscraper—47-story WTC Building 7—after other witnesses heard explosions, in the exact manner of a classic controlled demolition. “I would have known about a third skyscraper to collapse. I’m an architect!” he exclaimed to a colleague later. But he learned later that the American Institute of Architects did not send out even one notice to its 90,000 members.
Gage proceeded to learn more than he wanted to about 9/11. All three high-rises were demolished with explosives—not planes. His world was rocked:
“If this were true then the mainstream media would have to be in on it, actively censoring it! The government would have had to set up the whole thing, all 4 planes—and the high-jackers. It would be an Inside Job! These people are conspiracy theorists, and I’m rapidly sliding in that direction!”
“Not so fast” he thought, “I’m an architect and all I have to do is show people the evidence of the WTC and let them take responsibility for the rest!”
Gage took a few months to put together a PowerPoint slide presentation and encouraged the 15 architects in the Walnut Creek, CA office where he worked, free pizza to come and watch the lunchtime presentation.

Most of them had previously thought that he was crazy with all these conspiracy theories about the towers. But after seeing the evidence of explosions, lateral ejections, near free-fall acceleration, molten iron, thermite, etc., every single one of them raised their hands affirmatively when asked, “Do we need another investigation into the destruction of these 3 towers?” They were among the first 15 architects on the petition that he started at AE911Truth. Now there are more than 3,500!