Richard Gage produced in 2007 the first DVD of his popular two-hour public multi-media presentation, “9/11: Blueprint for Truth – The Architecture of Destruction”. He worked for a year on it with the incredible assistance of filmmaker Ken Jenkins, and it has now been seen by millions in and outside of the 9/11 Truth Movement. He walks his live audience through the third high-rise to collapse on 9/11, not hit by an airplane, and the impossibility of the free-fall destruction of WTC 7 in under seven seconds—due to normal office fires.
Gage then produced a landmark documentary in 2013, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out that he narrated featuring 40 high-rise architects, structural engineers, metallurgists, chemists, physicists, and controlled demolition experts – all laying out the irrefutable evidence for the explosive demolition of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers. It has now been seen by millions of people around the world and is the standard go-to for those seeking the technical evidence.
He worked closely with an incredible group of 9/11-dedicated psychologists and family members to give people an entry into the human dimension of this catastrophic event – In particular, why it is so very difficult for people to be willing to even listen to this difficult information, and of course to take action on it is an act of great courage in a society that has already swallowed the blue pill.
An extremely effective 15-minute documentary was then made called “Solving the Mystery of World Trade Center 7.” It aired thousands of times on PBS television and also became our most viewed video on YouTube – such that, just before 2 million views, YouTube removed it without notice, whereby we lost almost a million views that it had garnered! Then they put it back on without notice upon processing our complaint. We are at their whim when we use their technology.
When we reached 1,000 Architects & Engineers who had signed onto the petition at AE911Truth in 2010, we held a major press conference in a swank San Francisco venue and invited all the mainstream media to come and see technical experts in their fields testify to the WTC evidence in turn. Very few came, but the place was packed with local advocates and activists and the classic documentary “San Francisco Press Conference” was made, again by Ken Jenkins.
The Firefighters for 9/11 Truth website, inspired Richard Gage to work closely with its developer, firefighter Erik Lawyer, in order to produce a joint documentary. This included the valuable information in, and in the presentations of Erik regarding the noncompliance of NIST across the board of the NFPA Guide 921 for Fire and Explosion Investigations.
The result was the powerful DVD “Architects-Engineers-Firefighters Expose 9/11 Myths” in which Erik in particular exposes NIST six ways from Sunday for their flagrant violations of the NFPA guidelines.
We continue to press on with important documentaries of the evidence, now to include the upcoming film series “9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom.”