[Updated 6/22/22]
Early in September 2021 AE911Truth issued a press release and an e-mail with an unrelated subject line to supporters which included this vague statement in the 7th paragraph: “…Richard Gage, organization founder, will no longer serve as the organization’s CEO.”
As you can imagine, this has raised many questions, which I decided to wait until after the 20th anniversary of 9/11 to address so as not to distract from the important 9/11 Truth Movement activities.

Here’s the rest of the story:
As you probably know by now, we had been working with Spike Lee for months on what was a good opportunity that the 9/11 Truth Movement had to reach a mainstream audience. It would have been included as the final segment of his video documentary mini-series “New York Epicenters: 9/11 & Covid” that was aired by HBO on September 11, 2021. That 30-minute segment, which included interviews of myself along with family members and other technical experts unfortunately was never broadcast. This action by Spike Lee surely was, per Spike himself, due to enormous pressure from the powers that be, but perhaps also to my off-topic comments in a hallway interview at the Red Pill Expo in June 2021, quoted in Slate Magazine’s August 24th article.
Spike may well have been upset to see my comments quoted in the article, since the first two segments of his mini-series focused on Covid-19 in NYC, and in them he makes clear that he is invested in the official narrative of Covid and its “vaccine.”
Spike’s action was of course a great disappointment for all of us in the 9/11 Truth Movement and of course for me personally—to have worked so hard to reach that historic moment only for it to have collapsed—almost as fast as WTC Building 7.
In those moments of speaking off-topic, of which this was not the first time, I failed to remember that I represent architects and engineers who have signed the AE911Truth Petition which is only about the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7 on September 11th, 2001—and nothing else. None of the many opinions that I hold about the Covid-19 issues, based on research that I do on my own time, had a place in an interview that I granted while attending a conference on behalf of AE911Truth.
Since my comments may have been a part of Spike Lee’s decision to pull the segment, I do offer my sincere and humble apologies to our 3,500 architects and engineers, to the 9/11 Truth Movement, and especially to the hard-working AE911Truth staff and board each of whom had a right to expect and to trust me to focus solely on the mission in my public statements and interviews while working on behalf of AE911Truth.
Our board met and deliberated for hours in what was a very difficult debate for us all. In the end, the majority were somehow convinced by a publicity consultant that my comments had become a PR problem for AE911Truth and could continue to undermine future efforts to break into mainstream media. The board ultimately voted to remove me as CEO along with my employment with AE911Truth and as a board member.
While I and others argued against and vociferously disagreed with the majority decision, and even while AE911Truth chose not to disclose the relevant truth about the resolution, leaving supporters with the mistaken impression that I had voluntarily retired, I do nevertheless believe that the board members in favor of the resolution were acting with integrity and in good faith for the greater interest of AE911Truth.
I have made thousands of friendships throughout the U.S. and the world and realize that many of you may not understand or agree with the decision of the board—but this is now past. We must now come together and work harmoniously for the good of the 9/11 Truth Movement. The Truth Movement cannot afford to allow this unfortunate event to distract us from the significant work ahead or to cause any further fracturing within it.
I created AE911Truth and poured 16 years of my life into it. I care deeply about the organization and its survival in this new phase with its new leadership under the acting CEO Roland Angle. I have confidence that the organization will continue to make even greater contributions to the 9/11 Truth Movement going forward.
I now speak publicly only on behalf of myself and our new organization—Richard Gage, AIA, Architect, an LLC, and RichardGage911—not on behalf of AE911Truth.
My wife Gail and I have a new website: RichardGage911.org. We hope that you will support us here. Since I have never quit, nor will I, as a 9/11 truth leader, I’m also encouraging you to partner with us so that we will be able to continue to work effectively on your behalf. Please sign up today:
As I begin to create and accelerate my new role outside of AE911Truth, rest assured that I will continue to hammer on the wall of 9/11 Truth denial.

The 9/11 Truth Movement needs all of us and we are all working toward the same goal.
Also, please follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
Please work with me and Gail, as I re-dedicate my efforts to achieve our mutual goal—getting a real, unimpeachable, WTC investigation—and exposing other false flag operations in the process.
Gratefully yours,
Richard Gage, AIA, Architect
I myself in 2006 found out that 9/11 was an inside job .
Good job Richard Gage for all your hard diligent work on exposing the corruption lead by the Deep State New World Order Satanic Demented people.
Jesus Christ is God
Ya, its all about the BIG LIE . . . & Big Brother is a crook!
So true
You were right about covid19 too! Great job speaking your mind and for not backing down.
Well rich . I remember when you first started this . You asked me how much you should charge for the dvd . I told you nothing the word should be free . Now here we are rich . Yeah cannot trust any off them . It’s a big game rich like that comedian said and you and I ain’t in it unless of course your the controlled opposition. I’m just one newfie in BC Rich , was in fort McMurray when this shit went down . Gave out lots of DVDs rich I’m thinking maybe that’s why the RCMP ain’t allowed to take videos from the serfs anymore . Lots of people I’ve met in my life so far and many more to come I figure . Then I die . Like us all rich just die maybe with a little more wisdom then I started with . And closer to the truth .
One Newfie in BC
Sometimes being controversial is a very good way of whipping up attention. Was it a good idea to have been working with someone who is totally behind the gov’t narrative regarding ‘covid’? Lesser people than Spike caught the scam early and avoided the gov’t sheep dips.
Sept 11th and ‘covid’ are linked in the fact that they are both fruits of spook planning depts.
They are linked by the same people, basically, behind both – the New World Order. There are no “links”, only one big glob or tyranny!
Grafting new shoots from wizened rootstock. Full steam ahead!
“No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.”
* Plato
Ya, lets all ask our Representatives:
Why is it that the 4ht amendment is routinely violated at every airport in the U.S.A.?
My Open Letter to AE911Truth:
Dear AE911Truth,
I have been a strong supporter of 9/11 truth since the beginning.
In response to the Spike Lee ugliness that caused the forced resignation of Richard Gage, I am writing now to ask you to please end your cowardly betrayal of the fight for truth in ALL arenas, and to stop helping the 1% divide and conquer us!
If your official stance is really is about supporting the “science” in any capacity, then why do you allow profiteering non-scientists like Bill Gates and puppets in public office to dictate what the trustworthy science is about Covid?!? https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/scientists-nih-cdc-failure-science-covid/
How is ignoring the hard evidence presented by brave whistle-blowers like Dr Robert Malone, who’ve expertly exposed the lies told by govt puppets like Fauci, any different than those who deliberately ignore the hard evidence presented by Architects & Engineers for 911Truth who’ve expertly exposed the lies about 9/11 made by our govt?
Richard Gage is fighting against the same mass-murdering liars as Robert F Kennedy Jr.!!!!
Let’s not kid ourselves, if the rich and powerful who own the media and the govt can get away with the lie that JFK was shot by a lone gunman, then they can get away with any lie. Govt lies about the science of Covid, 9/11, JFK, or transgenderism ideology, and many more govt-sponsored lies are ALL inseparable!!!
Divide and conquer is how the 1% keeps us from effectively over-throwing their murderous tyranny once and for all. We must band together against ALL govt lies. Meanwhile, the top priority of the coward (as clearly demonstrated by Spike Lee and his pathetic supporters at AE911Truth) is to fit in with the crowd.
Please publicly retract your stance against those of us who are fighting for the truth to be exposed about Covid. Otherwise you are no better than the cowards who screams “conspiracy theorist” at your efforts to expose the 9/11 lie. And I will never trust AE911Truth again!
Kathleen Murphy
God Bless you Kathleen. They are hypocritical cowards, all!
Well said.
Also wanted to say, in addition to My previous Comment that is not posted in these comments yet, that it seems to be Constitutionally Protected Free Speech to have a personal opinion about the exagerated covid-19 issue/hoax ?
That means the panel at ae911truth.org that ousted Richard apparently does not support Free Speech about covid-19 ;
However, I Am not complaining about private censorship, because in addition to supporting Morally Acceptable Free Speech, I also support the individual right to censorship in private conversations/forums.
Perhaps Richard Gage should also get the alias richardgage911truth.org, to keep with the ____911truth.org theme…
Was Richard Gage forced to depart ae911truth.org just because of a personal Free Speech opinion in a hallway about the over rated covid-19 issue, that coincidently happened weeks before the 2020 presidential election, that allowed extensive mail-in-ballot fraud to be done, and disrupted the usa White Colonist and international public markets ?
I suspect the real 911 criminals can easily send moles into ae911truth.org ?
Who has ever seen a covid -19 zombie ?
Now that Richard Gage departed ae911truth.org, perhaps Richard Gage can do some more liberal Free Speech about who did 9/11, similar to bollyn.com and hundreds if not thousands of other 9/11 Truthers.
Wish I had read this sooner, clears it up, now i’m with you all the way! Shows courage, strength, integrity, staunch accuracy seeker.
I just read the Slate article too, how do people get that way? Molested as children or something who knows? It’s a big mystery, maybe lizard DNA??
The hardest truth I’ve had to learn is that 97% of men are moral and intellectual cowards. I’ve never seen a reason to lower that number. You Mr. Gage are what a man is supposed to be in the eyes of God.
Cassidy Hutchinson is further proof of your assertion.
If Spike Lee can’t put two and two together or connect the dots then we definitely don’t need him because this movement is for people who have good discernment and can distinguish between facts and opinions (which is very few and far between these days) not people who falsely believe that you can poison your way to good health.
I’m not trying to defend Spike Lee. Yet I also know how the deep state/Freemasons code of silence works. Anyone in a position of influence who dares speak out is literally risking their life as well as those of family members and others they are close with. Why do you think so few celebrities dare to call out the insanity we are seeing with the poisonous Covid injections? And the numbers of mysterious deaths we’ve seen over the years shows clearly demonstrate that these criminals who make La Casa Nostra look tame mean business. It takes a serious pair of balls to be courageous.
Please consider removing all Comments not related directly to the collapse of the three World Trade Center Buildings, so that no one can degrade your 9/11 efforts by claiming you to be anything but focused on 9/11.
You are the “original” Richard. Thank you. Your light still shines bright. Now reinforced by that of your lovely wife.
How sad that Spike conflated two separate issues to the point of excluding such crucial info from the documentary. Talk about ego. But he’s always had that chip on his shoulder. Don’t let it keep you down, Richard. You still have our support and the only thing we care about is the continued disclosure of the TRUTH. Let’s GO!!!
Thank you, Richard, for the long, hard years of guiding 911/Truth.
I look forward to reading updates on richardgage911.org!
That Slate article is pure and typical propaganda. It’s sad, truly. Words cannot describe.
Although I probably would have been upset because of your actions (statements), and irritated and annoyed, my guess is that I would probably have been on the side of “This, too, shall pass”. Definitely not the first time, for you and MANY others. I was never a fan of the “One Strike and You’re OUT!” mentality, which I suppose people generally refer to as “Cancel Culture” today. I can only hope that the best decision was inevitably made by earnest, thoughtful, caring Board members with a strong sense of duty and Fiduciary Responsibility.
I don’t like that you are not running AE911Truth anymore, but I suppose I will still minimally support it, depending on how things go there from here on out. I’m kind of “out of the Movement” these days, anyway, but keep and eye on it from afar, so to speak. It was VERY difficult for me to walk away from AE911Truth due to health reasons. It was “our baby” (from Day One). Hopefully the current Gate Keepers, I mean Guardians (stupid autocorrect — meant partially, if not mostly, humorously), will do right by what we created —- That Shining City on the Hill org that was more successful than any of us expected or thought possible.
I am glad that you are forging ahead and continuing the HARD work (people LITERALLY have NO idea) that is so important. Even 20 years later, it is still relevant and should be continually expanded upon and spoken out for. Even though I am increasingly of the viewpoint of “Ever Vigilant — Never Again” as we move forward through time.
Congratulations on a “new” journey. I can only wish you and those who work with you the best and even more success than we achieved through AE911Truth. (and the many other 9/11 Truth & Justice Movement organizations)
Bill Donnelly
Founding Member of AE911Truth; Past Primary AE911Truth.org Webmaster;
First (second) AE911Truth Petition Signatory; Former Member of the Board of Directors of AE911Truth.
I salute you for your service, integrity, and decision to carry on.
It’s always troubled me that AE911Truth has held itself strictly to the building collapse component of the 9/11 official story, straining to avoid mention of the implications, and also avoiding discussion of official lies outside of those bounds. I can’t say that that approach was wrong. I can say that it’s a cynical salesman’s approach: don’t get into the “wrong” issues, otherwise you lose the sale!
Your own statements didn’t challenge that approach, but at least subliminally gave away some discomfort about it. So it’s really appropriate that you throw off your chains (or have them thrown off) and proceed with those forbidden 9/11 Truth issues.
In my weekly show, Truth and Justice Radio, I myself have done a terrible job waking people up to questions about 9/11. I’m up against colleagues who don’t want to talk, or even think, about the lies of 9/11. They still use the antitruth-loaded insult bomb, “conspiracy theory.” Most of the time, they cow me into minimizing what I say, if anything. I want you to be an example for all of us, and I wish you the best in that effort!
I just read the Slate article and here are my thoughts as someone who believes in most if not all of what you said.
Initially I thought just like you that you should stay at AE911Truth. After all, I lost my job as a director of a board of elections because I was the only one willing to do the right thing, and it only confirmed what I already learned about both the Democratic & Republican parties and many if not most people these days being corrupt and dishonest generally (to a greater or lesser extent). I mention this because I know what it feels like to lose a position literally for having integrity (and it hurts).
That said, I also remember one of the reasons I also found both parties to be ineffective (and actually dangerous). We shouldn’t have permanent multi-issue political parties because they force us to aggregate issues we otherwise wouldn’t (which is problematic when not every issue is the correct side of an argument, for example).
I happen to believe COVID, and virology in general (germ theory), is a hoax after reviewing the work of biologist Dr. Stefan Lanka and Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer (founder of German New Medicine who was persecuted and smeared for his beliefs).
Unfortunately, it’s hard to get people who don’t realize how much we are being lied to to embrace more than one conspiracy at a time. For many, just wrapping their minds around 9/11 and building 7 is taxing enough.
In conclusion, I stand with you and support what you appear to believe and it is no fault of your own that you shared your opinions. We are supposed to be living in a free society without consequence for sharing our beliefs. Unfortunately you learned the hard way it is anything but. This is the whole idea about lying to a society about virtually everything they believe. It is so divisive and destabilizing it makes it virtually impossible for people to organize against the mainstream in a meaningful way.
That said, we need both organizations which focus just on 9/11 as well as ones that can help provide a more comprehensive view about what is going on. In a perfect world we would tackle these things all at once, but we need to keep certain movements insulated from other conspiracies. Now that you’re on the record for holding the beliefs you shared (however correct you may be), it will forever be tied to you. Because of this, and unless you’re willing to retract the statements you made in the past, you should really embrace all your beliefs with your organization. If the article could be forgotten about, you might be compelled to stick to just 9/11, but there is no “clean slate” algorithm (The Dark Knight Rises), so you might as well unify conspiracies that are sound.
I warned you years ago at UB in buffalo NY to Not incorporate as a 501c3,
You thought you knew better !
Howed that work out for you? I wonder weather you are making the same mistake again?
As long as you are tied to the Government they will never allow you to speak freely.
Hello Mr. Gage,
I had heard about the documentary of Spike Lee and what happened, but I had not heard about your “off topic” comments and that they caused a stir for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. I have supported that movement many times, I remember for example having donated for the billboard in New York, that is now many years ago, as well as just last year I donated again because the cause is indeed vitaly important for all of humanity.
And I have to say, I stand with you Mr. Gage. What you do is true integrity as a human being. You did not let a kind of “business image” thinking distract you from telling the truth on the Covid matter, which is just as important if not more so than the 9/11 matter.
Funnily enough I just recently thought in my head for some reason if I had to name the best CEO in the world for some award show, not in terms of making the most money for a company but just running a company really well and successfully and at the same time also providing the biggest service to humanity, I would name Richard Gage. You managed to bring a tabu topic that generally makes you and outsider in the mainstream world to the forefront.
To me you are a giant for all that you have done. I wish you well for your “solo” career now. And again, to me there is nothing you should be sorry about, you actually showed great integrity.
Thank you for your great service and nothing but the best
Those to whom great responsibility is assumed, have an equal responsibility to stay “on message”. Such leaders do NOT have the luxury of voicing off-topic opinions that can & WILL be used to denigrate their cause.
__Many years ago, I heard Mr. Gage speak in Houston. I was impressed with his grasp of the evidence that points to government involvement in the destruction of the twin towers & WTC-7. Just as I have been aware of govrnment involvement in the JFK, RFK & probably, the MLK assassinations.
__That said, it is most unfortunate that Mr.Gage, REGARDLESS of his belief & RIGHT to speak hismind on Covid, did so. That, along with his being separated fromthe movement he created, HAS damaged credibility. Given the present “know-nothing” mindset of Millennials & Gen-X young adults, it is doubtful that ANYTHING approaching full disclosure will come from these events for generations to come. Our Republic IS in dire straits: The enemy ISN’T at the gate; the enemy is in our legislatures, our courts, & in ur classrooms, from kindergarten through the university levels.
__The old adage: “The truth will out”, holds true throughout history. But in the case of the coup d’etat of 22 Nov 1963 & the conspiracy responsible for the events of 11 Sep 2001, I fear, there will no longer be a nation that gives a tinker’s damn.
__Ben Franklin well-knew the risk:
“A Republic -if you can keep it.”
I am so happy to hear from you !
My sister in law (a nurse) after receiving the vaxx then booster she did not feel well for weeks. Then on the evening of October 7th 2021 she dove for her nitro medicine and passed away on her bedroom floor. The vaxx causes blood clotting and those with heart stents are in danger of the clotting killing them. As well as those who are in great shape healthy may cardiac drop as well.
Dozens of Pro Athletes Suddenly Experiencing Cardiac Arrest
Condolences for your loss. (and Thoughts and “Prayers” to the many others who have had various negative reactions)
It is WELL KNOWN that ALL vaccines have side effects from (seemingly) asymptomatic to mild to severe.
That is “who and what they are”.
It depends on the person’s level of toxicity, genetics, biological and physiological makeup, health history, and any co-morbidities that may be present.
Some VERY SMALL percentage of people are negatively affected, with MANY HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people with positive, often life saving, results.
It is what it is, as they say.
“The Nature of the Beast”.
You rolls the dice and you takes your chances. (one way or the other)
Rabid Anti-Vaxx is Contraindicated.
You really can’t “roll the dice” as the politicians mandated that you get vaxxed. Choose not to? Then you run into travel obstacles, prohibitions by restaurants, etc.
Your reply sounded like a spokesman for Pfizer. Today, they dumped 11,000 pages (a partial amount of the 100K pages re their vax). The “side effects” have been the worst of any vaccines the public has taken over the years.
The so-called “clinical trials” were a joke, a couple of weeks of testing and the FDA (a revolving door of big pharma executives) immediately approves the first vax AND adds the restriction on suing them until 75 years later!
This vax campaign for the last two years has the hallmark of part of the UN Adopt Plan 2030. Poison the population through viruses, war, false flag attacks, etc. Highly credentialed researchers and physicians have been heavily censored when trying to point out the adverse effects of said vaccines, all evidentiary-based.
Roll the dice when mandated? Gimme a break.
So sorry for your loss. Supposidly the “Vaccine” from Pfizer OR Moderna are “FULLY APPROVED” Could a “educted person” find for me a letter from FDA Approving the Vaccine. The letter should state “Att to whom it may concern ( insert Pfizer or Maderna ) We (that is FDA) Have reviewed your data and have found your Vaccine safe and effective. You are authorized to release it into interstate commerce.” I only have found approval to MANUFACTURE a vaccine and need further approvals to release it into interstate Commerce. I believe this “fake” approval was done under the express GENERIC drug approval path. I do not have any degree such as a PHD ( Piled Higher and Deeper degree ) so could someone spoon feed us sheeple? And find the official approval stating SAFE AND EFFECTIVE? Or just find the drug interaction list for those of us on psychiatric medicine? All approved drugs and vaccine’s are required by LAW to supply drug interactions.
Thank you sincerely for all you’ve done for 9/11 Truth. The organization you created has been my guiding light on the subject of 9/11 since you began it. Having just read your statement above, I now see that your dedication to exposing Truth is matched by your wisdom and personal dignity. Good Sir, you have my loyal support, my appreciation, and my love as a highly respectable American with outstanding moral judgment who has done more for the 9/11 Truth movement than any other.
Elias Alias
Thank you Richard for pioneering AE911 Truth . These things happen in life and you can be sure the media and others will try and blow things up. The important thing is that you have kept your dignity and purpose alive by accepting their decision (although not necessarily agreeing with it) for the greater good. Growth can be achieved by division,..just look at the Christian church. All strength to your goodself and AE911 Truth. Architects design and develop buildings and when they are constructed they step back and allow the new owners to use the building for its designed purpose but will always have the hallmarks of its designer.
Thank you Richard for all you’ve done and continue to do, as we focus on 911, the other things are government does, actually does play a roll in showing the diseption they continue to bring forth, it’s all connected, your recent interview with the soldier who was at the pentagon was a real eye opener, please continue the excellent work, regards, Greg Tsoules
I first heard you speak on the San Francisco Bay Area’s radio KPFA, on Bonnie Faulkner’s Guns and Butter program. I have followed AE911Truth, and you as it’s founder, since the organization’s inception. Everything I have learned since then convinces me that you will join the continuing 9/11 Truth movement as yet another powerful voice united against the deceptions perpetrated by those who designed, executed, and profited from that horrible series of events. More power to you as an independent but united voice for truth.
I hope you now realize that the scope of deception and lies by the Powers That Be are far larger than just the destruction of 3 towers on 911. I hope you will continue to speak about other atrocities such as the pandemic, the 2020 election, vaccine mandates, and the January 6 entrapment of protesters by the FBI and other DOJ agencies. More Americans need to wake up to the deceptions of TPTB, deep state, shadow government, or whatever it’s called. The identity of these agencies or individuals should be a priority of any organization focusing on 911 truth or other events we have been lied to throughout history.
Good luck, Richard. I wish you well in your new endeavor, perhaps AE911Truth was only holding you back.
Truth issues will not be ever going away