Richard’s expertise, technical evidence, and speaking ability were in high demand again this 9/11 season.
by Gail Gage
63 Interviews so far in 2024 — reaching millions again this year! Thank you for supporting us!
Another year has flown by, and this year’s Anniversary of 9/11 was another somber opportunity to bring these horrendous Deep State crimes to the forefront of humanity’s collective mind, which in turn, will hopefully lead to justice for the victims and their families, and accountability for the real perpetrators.
This past year, to me, has honestly felt like the cloaks of the Deep State lies are being torn down, one by one, with each interview and every journalist who chimes in on “What about Building 7” or “How DID those buildings collapse like that?”
With all the difficult truths being exposed about the seemingly never-ending assaults on humanity, it’s almost as though “we” have been given permission to “go there” despite the criticism and attacks by the corrupt Mainstream Media, by those who are still “asleep”, and by those who are simply confused and afraid to let go of their cognitive dissonance.
So, the tide seems to be turning and people seem to be steadily growing more and more hungry for truth, as a result, many of them are learning about Building 7 for the first time, which in turn, opens their minds to the Twin Towers . . . and then many other false flag events are “allowed in” to their consciousness and become more legitimate to them.
Here at RichardGage911, how do we contribute to humanity’s “mass awakening”? Well, one of the major and most effective ways is for Richard to share his many years of research into 9/11 and other more recent false flags, through the interviews he does. And one significant way that YOU can contribute is to share the critical research reflected in these interviews with the people in your world.
We started off our 9/11 Truth Anniversary commemoration on September 1st with Ahmed Elkholy and Patrick Phillips of Geneva Academy. They didn’t want their audience to miss ANY of the critically important technical evidence, expert testimonies, and witness testimonies that Richard has developed in his extensive presentations for both Building 7 and the Twin Towers, so they interviewed him in two parts:
Geneva Academy Ecuador — Interviews RG911:
Part 1 — Building 7:
Part 2 — The Twin Towers:
RB Ham of Beyond the Pale was next to interview Richard. RB has also interviewed Richard before and trusts him to deliver the same, sound, and solid 9/11 truth to his audience — EVERY time. Take a look!
RB Ham / Beyond the Pale Interviews RG911:
Next, we had a great interview with the wonderful Kristi Leigh of Get Free with Kristi Leigh. Kristi has interviewed Richard before, and she has a great show with a great audience of fellow Patriots and truth seekers.
Kristi Leigh / Get Free with Kristi Leigh Interviews RG911:
[Richard’s interview starts at 4:45 into this podcast]
Our next wonderful show host was Alexis Cossette-Trudel of Le Webjournal de Radio-Quebecis in Quebec with web-based media streaming on 5 different platforms, and is very well known in the French world and followed by politicians, journalists, and other major podcasters alike.
Alexis Cossette-Trudel / Le Webjournal de Radio-Québec Interviews RichardGage911:
Jonathan from The Baptist Bias Show kept the 9/11 truth flow going with a very powerful interview with Richard. Jonathan and his co-host Benjamin had one goal — “to prove through this interview that the official story of 9/11 cannot explain how the Twin Towers and Building 7 were destroyed, and how the official story conflicts with logic and facts from an architectural perspective”.
Jonathan / The Baptist Bias Show Interviews RG911:
Nancy Kerner of The Nancy Kerner Show interviewed Richard for last year’s 9/11 Anniversary, and this year she had a specific request on behalf of her husband. He wanted to know the “why” of the attacks on the World Trade Center skyscrapers. Well, inflicting the Patriot Act on humanity was obviously one goal of the Deep State, but there are more! Watch this interview to find out . . .
Nancy Kerner / The Nancy Kerner Show Interviews RichardGage911:
Luke Rudkowski is the founder of We Are Change, an organization that is comprised of independent journalists, concerned citizens, activists, and anyone who wants to shape the direction our world is going in. Luke has interviewed Richard many times over the past almost twenty years since founding his original organization — Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.
Luke Rudkowski / We Are Change Interviews RichardGage911:
[Richard’s interview starts at 1:13:00]
Sulaiman Ahmed of Sulaiman Unsilenced reached out to us on X/Twitter to interview Richard for his 9/11 Anniversary Spaces on September 11th. He “holds the biggest Spaces on Twitter”! That’s not really surprising since he has 603K followers on X/Twitter. He’s an Investigative Journalist, and expert in Geo-Politics, has an MA in Philosophy, a PGCE in Mathematics, and an LLB in Law. That’s quite the list of accomplishments! 63.4K tuned in to hear Richard LIVE and the other speakers who shared their research and expertise on 9/11 on this very popular X-Space.
Sulaiman Ahmed / X-Spaces (Twitter) Interviews RichardGage911:
Katy Balber and Jose of Un Ciudadano Cualquiera are taking on the huge task of waking up their fellow Spaniards to 9/11 truth. According to Jose — “Nowadays in 2024 (23 years after 2001), most people in Spain (perhaps 95 %?) still truly believe it was Bin Laden and have never heard of the info you have.” He said in an email that the potential is great for 9/11 Truth to spread quickly in Spain, because — “Many big influencers in Spain participate in podcasts and digital TV programs which have many thousands or millions of followers, which all together is a huge audience!”
Katy Balber and Jose / Un Ciudadano Cualquiera Interviews RichardGage911:
Warren Thornton is an independent journalist in the UK who reached out for an interview with Richard via the Charlie Ward TV network. He has an incredibly devoted heart for truth, and is a real truth-warrior!
Warren Thornton Interviews RG911:
Don Jeffries of Donald Jeffries Media reached out to interview Richard for his 9/11 Anniversary show this year. Don has interviewed him before, and the two always deliver an extraordinary amount of truth!
Don Jeffries Interviews RG911:
We hope you’ve enjoyed watching the interviews! If you feel that RichardGage911 provides you and the rest of the world with pertinent, factual, and important evidence. . . in a powerful way that wakes up, educates, and motivates humanity to stand up for truth and DO SOMETHING, please consider supporting our very important work:
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