Broadcast LIVE from the
Old State Saloon in Boise, ID
Watch now – FREE! But please, Donate to Support the Mini-Tour

These multi-media presentations in Idaho are professionally produced and recorded with three cameras and live-switching with the images & videos from the PowerPoint slides:
9/11 World Trade Center False Flag
The Explosive Evidence
- Take this powerful dive into the explosive evidence of the catastrophic destruction of all three World Trade Center skyscrapers.
- Learn more about the sudden, symmetrical, free-fall 7-second descent of 47-story WTC Building 7, not hit by a plane but which collapsed in the exact manner of a classic controlled implosion — after numerous witnesses heard explosions — and which our government tried to explain by normal “office fires,” to which we have never lost a steel-framed fire-protected high-rise.
- Learn also about the very explosive destruction of the Twin Towers in a geometry of fireworks with freely-flying 4-ton structural steel sections laterally ejected out of the towers at 80mph landing 600 feet in every direction and impaled in all the surrounding high-rises, and the 156 first responders and others who witnessed numerous explosions, often before the towers ever started their descent!
- And don’t dare miss out on the forensic evidence of thermite and extreme temperatures not accountable in the official “collapse by office fires” narrative. We show you the witnesses and the 3000℉ molten metal “flowing like lava,” the billions of previously molten iron microspheres, and the red-gray chips of nano-thermite found in all the WTC dust samples — the analysis of which confirms thermitic incendiaries and high-energy explosives as the cause of the towers’ destruction.
Parallels: 9/11 & 10/7 — Gaza False Flag
Broadcast LIVE January 29 from The Old State Saloon – Boise-area in Idaho
Along with original research from Kevin Ryan, we have found several parallels to 9/11 in the 10/7 Hamas “invasion.” Did Israel use the same playbook performed on 9/11? Was this Israel’s second 9/11? What’s in that playbook?
A. They Create the Original PROBLEM
- Part 1: Parallel — Previously Established and Geostrategic Goals — Coveting the Natural Resources of the Target Territory
- Part 2: Parallel — A Rich History of Historic and Recent Provocations and False Flag Operations
- Part 3: Parallel — Politically Useful Controlled Patsies
- Part 4: Parallel — A Triggering Event — An Innovative Attack with Dubious Origins; A Manufactured Invasion from Foreign Operatives
- Part 5: Parallel — A Catastrophic Intelligence Failure
- Part 6: Parallel — A Military Stand-down — with an Obvious Uncharacteristic Delay in Response
- Part 7: Parallel — Foreknowledge of the Attacks
- Part 8: Parallel — Dancing Israelis — During the Attacks
B. They Manage the Public REACTION
- Part 9: Parallel — Propaganda with Outrageous Slogans from Government and Media to Manipulate Public Emotion; Crisis Actors
- Part 10: Parallel — Atrocities Alleged to the Enemy with Ensuing Dehumanization
- Part 11: Parallel — Denial of Alleged Atrocities by the Enemy
- Part 12: Parallel — Opposition Media/Journalists Targeted
C. They Offer the Prescribed SOLUTION
- Part 13: Parallel — Military Revenge Attack Prepared in Advance with No Investigation
- Part 14: Parallel — Occupy Territory of the New Enemy — The Land Grab
- Part 15: Parallel — Widening the Conflict to Achieve Original Broader Goals
- Part 16: Parallel — Effect Regime Change of Enemy Leadership
- Part 17: Parallel — Enact “Forever War” Policy
- Part 18: Parallel — $$ Billions Flow to the Arms, Oil, Banking, and Media Industries
- Part 19: Parallel — Extreme Public Censorship by Government, MSM, and Social Media
- Part 20: Parallel — Draconian Policies and Surveillance Instituted by Government
- Part 21: Parallel — Malevolent Roots More Than 250 Years Old
Join us on these deep dives — LIVE — on X, and at
Learn More about the Mini-Tour!
Gail and I are back on the road today — working our way south to reach our biggest audience yet — in Las Vegas.
But first, we stop in the Boise, ID area tonight — Tuesday night to speak to a live audience at the popular conservative Old State Saloon in Eagle, ID. Last week they had well-known and controversial journalist, Ian Carrol, address their aware and inquisitive audience, so they are not afraid of bringing in the tell-it-like-it-is speakers that might offend a few locals:

We’ve been asked to provide the explosive evidence at the World Trade Center on 9/11:

Our host is proprietor Mark Fitzpatrick, who draws an average of 150 people to the Old State Saloon speaking events from southern Idaho — from the curious to the hard-core activists:

Be sure to support the Northwest/Southwest Tour today! Who else is reaching one million viewers this week?

Mark has asked us to speak the second night on a more recent false flag event — the Parallels of 9/11 & Gaza. We, with the great help of 9/11 researcher Kevin Ryan, have found several parallels to 9/11 in the 10/7 Hamas “invasion”:

Be sure to check out our presentation on this touchy subject if you can’t make it to Idaho tomorrow!
The Old State Saloon has seen other bold speakers fill its hall, such as Ian Carrol, now with one million followers on X, who spoke on several subjects there recently:

I mention him because not only is he also quite popular on X, but we expect to meet up with him in Las Vegas when we arrive on the Southwest part of the mini-tour after another 8-hour drive. We’re heading there for our big interview with his friend and equally popular controversial podcaster, Jake Shields of the Fight-Back podcast:

We’ll be diving in, once again, to the forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony in the destruction of all three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11. We anticipate that Jake will also be probing with intriguing questions about foreign involvement in that particular false flag operation as well.
The podcast should be posted soon after the January 31 recording in Las Vegas. We’ll send you a note — if you are on our email list:
RG911 LIVE on ‘X’ Tonight (Tuesday night — Jan. 28 at 7:30 pm Mountain) from the Old State Saloon in Boise, ID — the 9/11-WTC Evidence
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