14,000 Conservative Christians Exposed; 1,500 Brochures Accepted; A Dozen Interviews & Requests – like Roger Stone and Tim Poole of TimCast; Also… Speaking Engagement Requests!
How fortunate we were to hear of this major relevant convention just in the nick of time—thanks to our booth neighbors Kim Yaeter and Johnathon Alexander who, having interviewed us the week before, had to beat us over the head in order for us to realize and seize the great opportunity and “Get To Phoenix Next Week For AmFest” where thousands of American patriots were gathered in determination to fix this country by understanding the scope of our problems and speaking out – very loud.
These 14,000 Conservatives got a big piece of 9/11 Truth in Phoenix!
Day 2 — we were invited to give a livestreamed tour to the folks assembled on the weekly Sunday 9/11 WarRoom :