“Easy Lessons Drawn from the Destruction of the World Trade Center Skyscrapers”
He is best known for his measurements demonstrating the absolute freefall of World Trade Center Building 7, proving that NIST’s claims about that building were false.
His work forced NIST to correct their final report to admit that the building came down in freefall, even though they continue to deny its clear implications.
David has authored and co-authored a number of scientific papers related to 9/11, including “Destruction of the World Trade Center North Tower” and “Fundamental Physics”.
He has also created a large number of videos analyzing various moving components in the World Trade Center—including the ones he custom-made for my “9/11:Blueprint for Truth” presentation which I have given now more than 650 times around the world! His videos are free to watch now on YouTube & BitChute.
He maintains a website hosting his own research in collaboration with several other researchers at 911speakout.org.
David has earned a Bachelor’s degree in physics from Harvey Mudd College, a Master’s degree in education from Claremont Graduate University, and another one in Mathematics from California Polytechnic University! A few years ago he retired from 35 years of teaching physics and mathematics at the high school and college levels.
Since about 2007 he has been active as a researcher with the “science wing” of the 9/11 Truth Movement. For a number of years he worked directly with Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and served with me on its board of directors. He is currently the Coordinator of Scientists for 9/11 Truth.
Colin Doran
Is David Chandler open to debating this?
Great having the re-run. Familiar like family haha. Takes the mind away from COVID and UKRAINAZI psyops. So outrageous..seeing Pinocchio SUNDER and the creatioNISTs again..talk about professional LIARS.xx Sad about David Ray Griffin but; what a legacy !!
The material that is falling faster than freefall is conclusive proof of an additional source of energy (explosives). Unfortunately, the naysayers could explain this by the presence of potentially explosive items in the buildings such as gas bottles, cleaning chemicals, or anything else that could be explosive.