by Sandra Jelmi
Find other activists in your area!
Welcome to the all new 9/11 Community Hub – a place for 9/11 Truth advocates to connect online, with the ultimate goal of doing so in real life. Whether it’s because that other activist turns out to be a hop and a skip away, or they live in a city you’ll be visiting during the summer, the power of the 9/11 Truth Movement rests in the human relationships it fosters.
We are not isolated!
We in the 9/11 Truth Community are scattered not only throughout the United States, but across the world. And, while social media has helped tremendously in keeping us connected, and many of us have formed friendships and bonds with other advocates over the years, still, by and large, most of us have never really met and gotten to know each other.
Time and again, we’ve all realized the power of joining forces when it comes to grass roots activism, be it even just on a zoom call where we share ideas, contribute to group efforts, motivate and inspire each other.
It’s all the more powerful when that connection is made in person. Sure, we can all work from behind our keyboards as lone wolves, but to create initiatives, organize events, attend gatherings where our message may be received by the public (real people out there!) – to do all this in person with other advocates by our side – that takes it to a whole other level.
The power of connection
This is where the 9/11 Community Hub comes in.
The Hub was created not only as an adjunct to social media – where some of our profiles have been banned, or your posts restricted – but as a way of meeting up with others in our own “backyards”. It comes with a map that displays each activist’s location, making it easy to find each other.
It’s all the more powerful when that connection is made in person.
Setting up your profile is simple, and only requires some basic information, such as your name and city, and a private email address (for admin purposes). Beyond that, you’re free to add as much info as you wish – a public email address, your phone number, exact address, not to mention your specific areas of interests in 9/11 activism (topics such as the World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon or Shanksville; specific strategies such as legal avenues or street activism, fundraising or written outreach, to name a few).
The Hub also offers a “search” function by category. If you’re intrigued by, say, the geopolitical angle, you can find all those advocates who share that particular interest and combine your efforts and findings with theirs.
Take a quick look – chances are you’ll probably find people you recognize among the hundred or so advocates who have already signed up. For all you know, there might be another dedicated 9/11 Truth activist, a potential friend, living right in your neighborhood who you could meet, organize, and strategize with!
Sure, it takes a bit of courage to put oneself out there to be found by anyone who searches. But pursuing 9/11 Truth was never for the meek, and if we are truly in this fight, then we will need to get comfortable with being visible.
It comes down to us. If we back down, we lose, and they win.
And that would be a disaster for our way of life.

Are you in?
Join those of us who have already signed up at and help us populate the map with 9/11 Truth advocates from around the world!
Join the 9/11 Community Hub, and share it with all of your like-minded friends.
We are an army, and together, we can accomplish many great things.
The breakthrough in 9/11 Truth happens only when we come together and become a visible vocal force to be reckoned with!!
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