This 38-year veteran Seattle firefighter is in between a rock and hard place.
Our guest on RichardGage911:UNLEASHED! is a former firefighter who is currently stirring up a hornets nest over at the National Fire Protection Association. We spent 3 days with him, Erik Lawyer, and the Boston 9/11 Truth volunteers at the NFPA annual convention representing the Protecting All Protectors Alliance.
Captain Angulo wrote the book on how to fight fires in structures – including high-rises:

He has sent his own firefighters into burning skyscrapers in Seattle and has never had to worry about the buildings coming down on them – until now.
He’s concerned that the 2008 NIST report on the Salomon Brothers building (WTC 7) presents firefighters quite the problem – because for the first time in history a skyscraper is said to have been brought down by… get this – normal office fires. This has never happened before, or since. And he says that there have been much hotter, larger, and longer lasting fires in these buildings. So there it is – staring us in the face, and nobody in the industry is looking at it!

Captain Angulo will present the dilemma to us – with all its ugly ramifications to the the building industry, the fire protection industry, to NIST, and especially to the NFPA.
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