George Galloway Broadcasts Attorney Mick Harrison of LC911
The last time George Galloway interviewed us at RichardGage911 it garnered 62,000 views – so this is no small venue for the 9/11 Truth to reach a very international Audience. Mick Harrison does a great job in the 20 minutes that he had to bring George up to speed on our bid [I’m one of the plaintiffs in this case] to get the Supreme Court to decide on our US Constitution First-Amendment case.
The Supreme Court is in conference next week about it, and may decide to take our case! If they do then they could force the US attorney in New York to empanel a Special Grand Jury and give them our petition with the 60 exhibits of 9/11 WTC evidence. In our upcoming film series, 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom, we present the forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony to the Grand Jury in semi-formal settings.
They will be spoon fed the evidence by myself, and Mick Harrison will be instructing them about their legal duties and opportunities with all of the evidence. The film series will be submitted by the Lawyers’ Committed for 9/11 Inquiry to the US Attorney for the Grand Jury investigation. We couldn’t make it easier for them.
I presented the WTC hard evidence facts to George for the second time myself on his platform the “Mother of all Talk Shows” nine months ago. I guess that we had warmed him up a year or so earlier, because he was remarkably open to the information!
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