Executive Summary – White Paper
The Explosive Evidence at the World Trade Center on 9/11 By Richard Gage, AIA The accompanying report, in three parts, compellingly refutes the official narrative of what happened at the World Trade Center (WTC) on September 11, 2001. It presents overwhelming evidence that the destruction of WTC Building 7, the North Tower (WTC 1), and…
Part 1: The Controlled Demolition of Building 7
The Explosive Evidence at the World Trade Center on 9/11 By Richard Gage, AIA, Architect This first of three Parts presents well-documented evidence demonstrating that WTC Building 7 was destroyed by explosive controlled demolition. We ask that you set aside any pre-judgment that might keep you from evaluating these facts objectively, and let the chips…
Continue Reading Part 1: The Controlled Demolition of Building 7
Part 2: The Twin Towers’ Explosive Destruction
The Explosive Evidence at the World Trade Center on 9/11 by Richard Gage, AIA, Architect (Download PDF) The official narrative suggests that the plane impacts and ensuing fires weakened the structure, resulting in a gravitational collapse. The evidence, most of which, once again, was destroyed before forensic investigators had a chance to perform a proper…
Continue Reading Part 2: The Twin Towers’ Explosive Destruction
Watch Now: “Task Force 8” RG911 Interviews Congressman Curt Weldon & Fire Capt. Raul Angulo on RichardGage911:UNLEASHED!
Weldon & Angulo Lay Out their Commitment to 9/11 Truth; We Pressed; He Qualified his Contact with Team Trump; Aim High for Firefighter Community “The collapse of Building 7 defies common sense — it demands a full, independent investigation.” Fmr. Congressman Curt Weldon Gail and I bring back our famous podcast, RichardGage911: Unleashed!, for a…
Part 3: Extreme Heat and Thermite Incendiaries
The Explosive Evidence at the World Trade Center on 9/11 By Richard Gage, AIA, Architect Impossible Temperatures & Melted Steel/Iron (Download PDF) 1. FEMA Report, Appendix C Before the NIST investigation, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) conducted a preliminary cursory investigation and produced a Building Performance Assessment Report. In Appendix C of that report,…
Continue Reading Part 3: Extreme Heat and Thermite Incendiaries
Episode #2 — “The Grand Jury Meets the Fires of WTC 7 — and the Deception of NIST”
9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom (Originally Broadcast LIVE on X & 911C2C.org 1/5/24) FREE to Watch – Donate Now! (You’ll need to re-register to watch again. Just do it.) In this episode, Attorney Mick Harrison and Architect Richard Gage, AIA, introduce the mission of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Truth and RichardGage911 to the Grand Jurors,…
Continue Reading Episode #2 — “The Grand Jury Meets the Fires of WTC 7 — and the Deception of NIST”
Firebrand Congressman Curt Weldon Enlists PAPA’s Capt. Angulo for 9/11 Truth Advance on Trump Team
Former Congressmen Grabs Hold of the 9/11 Truth Movement in Scalding AE911Truth Interview For three years now the Protecting All Protectors Alliance has held powerful 9/11 Truth evidence booths at national conferences attracting many firefighters to confront the explosive demolition of World Trade Center Building 7. We’ve signed up 600 firefighters to get additional Building 7 info.…
Wear Your Voice with Our New “Declassify 9/11” Cap & T-Shirt Collection!
CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE! These caps & T-shirts make great gifts for the Truth-Seekers in your life — including yourself! Help to Declassify 9/11 in style with our new caps and t-shirts! Humanity must learn the truth about the explosive destruction of the 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11. Visit Our RG911 Superstore Now In a world where advocacy…
Continue Reading Wear Your Voice with Our New “Declassify 9/11” Cap & T-Shirt Collection!
Astounding Parallels: 9/11 & Covid — RG911 on BNN (Latest Info) | Astounding Parallels: 9/11 & Covid — RichardGage911 on Brandenburg News Network
A 3-hour Deep Dive into their Playbook: 9/11 Scam and Covid Plandemic This latest version of our Astounding 9-11/Covid Parallels explores the release just last week of the Congressional Oversight Committee’s investigation into the fraud of Covid and its “vaccine.” Yes! Congress actually did something right. See the bullet points below. https://player.vimeo.com/video/1037277826?autoplay=0 If you don’t understand that…
What Brought Down the Towers on 9/11?! RichardGage911 on REBUNKED w/ Scott Armstrong
A Primer on the Explosive Destruction at the World Trade Center Join Scott and I for 90-minute summary of the real story about how the towers came down. Here’s the outline: What do we talk about in this interview?! Learn the facts – and teach them to others. We show you how. Will you take…
“Parallels: 9/11 & Gaza” — Presented on BNN, Brandenburg News Network
Deep Dive into the Gaza Hoax and the parallels with 9/11 – 2..5 Hours Our third interview on the Brandenburg News Network focused on the false flag event of 10/7 in Israel. Did they use the same playbook as 9/11? Was this Israel’s second 9/11? Watch and learn facts that you never saw on 9/11 – in the best interview…
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Christmas DVD Special: 50%-Off at the RG911 Superstore!
Get incredible savings on the three most wanted 9/11 Truth DVDs: “9/11: Explosive Evidence Experts Speak Out”, “9/11: Blueprint for Truth”, and “The San Francisco Press Conference” That’s right — all the way through Christmas — December 25. But don’t wait, we might sell out on these popular DVDs. Simply use the Discount Code “50%OFF“ at our RichardGage911 Store when…
Continue Reading Christmas DVD Special: 50%-Off at the RG911 Superstore!
RG911 Teaches “WTC Twin Towers” at Finland’s Metropolia University with Prof. Donald Jordan, Real Estate Dept.
Join 40 students and Prof. Donald Jordan for the Twin Towers download! Now we open up to YOU Class #2 at Metropolia University — The Explosive Destruction of the Twin Towers. Learn along with 40 other students the simple, but devastating, facts about 9/11 at the World Trade Center: https://player.vimeo.com/video/1031013434?autoplay=0 What did YOU learn in…
RG911 Teaches “WTC Building 7” at Finland’s Metropolia University with Prof. Donald Jordan, Real Estate Dept.
Join 40 students and Prof. Donald Jordan Each year for 5 years we have had the honor of teaching the Mystery of Building 7. Well, it turns out to be not too much of a mystery. Discover for yourself the facts about 9/11: https://player.vimeo.com/video/1031005897?autoplay=0 We know what these students from all over the world learned.…
Twin Towers on 9/11: The Ultimate 90-Minute Dive into their Explosive Destruction — with RichardGage911
Interviewed by BNN’s Donna Brandenburg Michigan Gubernatorial candidate Donna Brandenburg was once again quite accommodating in this interview on her widely spread Brandenburg News Network. She allowed us an hour and a half to present the very detailed and expanded version of our acclaimed webinar “9/11: An Architects Guide – Part 2” on just the…
9/11 Truth: The Smoking Gun Evidence of an Inside Job — RG911 Presentation on “The Fifth Dimension”
Launch into the full uninterrupted presentation of the explosive World Trade Center evidence on 9/11! Join Evan and I on this riveting ride into the smoking gun evidence of Building 7 and the Twin Towers — definitely one of the best presentations that I have given: https://youtu.be/47ZNFQ1ReXs Watch the podcast and learn all about these…
Capt. Raul Angulo Authors a Scathing WTC 7 Article in Mainstream Fire Journal Magazine IFSJ!
Breakthrough in the fire protection industry for Protecting All Protectors Alliance We have worked very hard at Protecting All Protectors Alliance (PAPA) to help Captain Angulo present at the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) with our three-year-in-a-row evidence booth at the helm. And, not only did it pay off at last year’s classroom teaching on…
2024 — 9/11 Anniversary Interviews of RG911 You Don’t Want to Miss! Luke Rudkowski, Donald Jeffries, and more!
Richard’s expertise, technical evidence, and speaking ability were in high demand again this 9/11 season. by Gail Gage 63 Interviews so far in 2024 — reaching millions again this year! Thank you for supporting us! Another year has flown by, and this year’s Anniversary of 9/11 was another somber opportunity to bring these horrendous Deep State crimes to the forefront of…
Watch (Edited Version) of Lawyers’ Committee 9/9 & 9/10 Premiere Event Highlighting “Episode 1 — Public Orientation | 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom”
Complete with the Hi-Res Video Included – and with Q&A! We were delighted to present to our LIVE audience, on the 9th & 10th of September – the Premiere of this 30-episode series! Watch Free – Donate Now! The 911C2C Team was on-hand to introduce you to our new 9/11 docu-series “Episode 1 – Public…
Watch: “Episode 1 — Public Orientation | 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom”
We’ve worked hard to bring this vital work of the 9/11 Truth Movement to you, and look forward to hearing back from you after you watch it! Free to Watch – Donate Now! Watch the C2C Trailer: https://vimeo.com/1007523761?share=copy
Continue Reading Watch: “Episode 1 — Public Orientation | 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom”
Closing in on Premiere “Episode 1 — Public Orientation | 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom” September 9
It all begins September 9 – Live on “X” & More! Watch “9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom” and Co-Produce With Us !! Become Our Vital Partner and co-produce this historic film series with your partners RichardGage911 and the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, as we premiere “Episode #1 – 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom” on Sept…
10 Stunning Facts You May Not Know About 9/11
How Many Did YOU Know? 10 Facts that you may not have known about 9/11 Watch this 17-second video first: https://player.vimeo.com/video/1003446401?autoplay=0 What are those facts? 1. …that the third tower, 47-story World Trade Center Building 7, collapsed at 5:20pm on 9/11 even though it was not hit by an airplane. 2. …tthat Building 7 fell at free-fall acceleration, which…
Continue Reading 10 Stunning Facts You May Not Know About 9/11
“The Smoking Gun of Irrefutable Evidence – 3 WTC Skyscrapers Destroyed on 9/11” with RG911 on The Mark Attwood Show
Join us for our latest and most effective 90-minute expose of the fraudulent NIST report on the “collapses” of the 3 World Trade High-Rises. The Mark Attwood Show reaches tens of thousands in the UK. We are getting out there with the truth & facts about 9/11! https://vimeo.com/1002337977?share=copy Here’s what you will learn — 10…
The Best 90-Minute 9/11 WTC Explosive Evidence Compilation Anywhere
Share it with your most skeptical friends. Share it Everywhere! This is what we’ve gotten very good at over the last 18 years. Now run with it, or live in tyranny: https://player.vimeo.com/video/994893744?badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479 https://player.vimeo.com/video/994893744?h=ce3b28f362&color=ffffff&title=0&byline=0&portrait=0 Robert Morningstar Interviews RichardGage9111 – _Explosive WTC Evidence on 9_11_ from RichardGage911 on Vimeo. Uncovering the Painful 9/11 Truth with Richard Gage,…
Continue Reading The Best 90-Minute 9/11 WTC Explosive Evidence Compilation Anywhere
The Best 15-min 9/11 WTC Interview Ever — TNT Radio | RichardGage911 Delivers
And a Personal Appeal How do you get the main points across in 15 minutes without slides? Watch and memorize this one. Make yourself an excellent 9/11 truth-teller. https://player.vimeo.com/video/982189110?autoplay=0 We simply cannot do all of these interviews, speaking engagements, film projects and major PAPA conventions (Protecting All Protectors Alliance), without YOU having our backs! Gail and I…
Continue Reading The Best 15-min 9/11 WTC Interview Ever — TNT Radio | RichardGage911 Delivers
Muckrakers/TNT Interviews Richard & Gail Gage — 9/11 WTC Destruction & Gaza Parallels
Our Best 1-hour Interview Together! Gail Gage begins this exciting no-slides-allowed 50-minute interview on TNT’s The Muckrakers with a description of the third World Trade Center Skyscraper to collapse on 9/11 — WTC Building 7. I then pick it up with forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony of the very explosive Twin Tower’s demolition. https://player.vimeo.com/video/979562760?autoplay=0 Then TNT Host Andrew Eborn convinces me…
“Gaza: The Astounding Parallels with 9/11″— Informal RG911 Presentation in Livingston, MT | Dive Beneath the MSM Narrative
Have a sit-down with RichardGage911 in this little cabin in friendly Livingston MT! Following the Red Pill Expo, we headed back through Bozeman, MT again and presented the full 3-hour program “Gaza: The Astounding Parallels with 9/11” to a relatively small but very educated and dedicated truth-group in nearby Livingston at an adorable cabin called…
Presented at Red Pill Expo: “Previously Established Geostrategic Goals for the Target Country” Parallel #1 of 22 from “Gaza: Astounding Parallels with 9/11” — to Surprisingly Appreciative Audience
Plus, the RG911 WTC Evidence Booth in Rapid City — 100+ 9/11 Truth DVD’s Sold! How did all of that happen?! Gail and I towed our darling little A-frame RV trailer from our humble Northern Idaho home all the way to South Dakota, camping along the way. It was “Red Pill Expo or Bust!” We…
The NFPA Gave us a $4,000 Gift — Doubling our WTC 7 Evidence Booth Size!
Help us to fill it up at the National Fire Protection Association Convention in Orlando! Great news — our booth is now twice as big at the NFPA convention! Our four experts from Protecting All Protectors Alliance (PAPA), Paul Kayley, Erik Lawyer, Raul Angulo, and myself can now speak with many many more fire protection…
Continue Reading The NFPA Gave us a $4,000 Gift — Doubling our WTC 7 Evidence Booth Size!
Join us at the Red Pill Expo — Rapid City, SD June 15/16 | RG911 to Present “Gaza: the Astounding Parallels with 9/11”
by Gail Gage Today! The Red Pill Expo — June 15 Watch at 10:45pm Mountain — LIVE STREAMED the RG911 Presentation: “Gaza: The Astounding Parallels with 9/11” — FREE on “X” And watch the whole weekend of more than a dozen speakers — $45 LIVE STREAMED – “Gaza: The Astounding Parallels with 9/11” – Here…
We’ve built a 9/11 Truth Community!
by Sandra Jelmi Find other activists in your area! Welcome to the all new 9/11 Community Hub – a place for 9/11 Truth advocates to connect online, with the ultimate goal of doing so in real life. Whether it’s because that other activist turns out to be a hop and a skip away, or they…
How to Present the 9/11 WTC Evidence in Just 30 Minutes!
by Gail Gage RichardGage911 Presents “The Explosive Destruction of the 3 World Trade Center Skyscrapers” on “Ohio Brett” Sports Podcast See for yourself how much powerful evidence Richard packs into this half-hour interview time slot: https://player.vimeo.com/video/951322015?autoplay=0 Share this video with your friends, family, and colleagues who may not have a whole hour or two for…
Continue Reading How to Present the 9/11 WTC Evidence in Just 30 Minutes!
80 Powerful 2023 Interviews for RG911 – Millions Reached with WTC Evidence!
2023 was an incredibly productive year for public outreach. 2024 is shaping up even better! Interview requests keep pouring in – at least 2 per week this year. Well… we are finally able to catch our breaths, and share about our amazing string of radio and podcast interviews in 2023. Who do YOU know that…
Continue Reading 80 Powerful 2023 Interviews for RG911 – Millions Reached with WTC Evidence!
UK Firefighter and 9/11 Activist Paul Kayley to Light Up NFPA Orlando Convention Due to Fundraising Success!
NFPA Campaign Goal has been met, and exceeded. Big Event for WTC 7 in June! Congratulations to everyone who contributed to the campaign’s success!You are not only sending in the fierce firefighters — Raul Angulo and Erik Lawyer of the Protecting All Protectors (PAPA) team to Orlando this June, but now also the single most…
Captain Angulo, “Engine Company Fireground Operations” to Raise Burning Questions about WTC 7 NIST Report to a Thousand Fellow Professionals at NFPA Convention. Get Him There!
PHASE 2 of the NFPA Campaign is well on its way with retired Seattle Fire Dept. Capt. Raul Angulo who wrote the book on fire fighting. He has felt the heat of the smoking gun and is ready to go! But, will you send him in to fight this particular fire at the National Fire Protection Association’s convention…
9/11 PAPA Dream Team Heading to Orlando, FL – NFPA 2024 Convention – It Can Happen! Phase 2 Campaign Begins NOW
June 2024 changes everything for US Firefighters & Fire Protection Engineers! NOTICE: You can send in the 9/11 Truth Dream Team to the ‘Protecting All Protectors Alliance’ Evidence Booth (PAPA). Just $6,800 to raise in three short weeks – Deadline May 6, 2024! Yup! The 9/11 Truth Movement is counting on YOU to bring the…
View/Download the RichardGage911 WTC Slide Deck!
By Gail Gage Ever wanted to thumb through the slides of our 1-hour Presentation at your own pace? Well . . . Here it is! Mr. Gage lays it out as clearly, precisely, and impactfully — as only he can do it. You can download the PDF and thumb through the slides at your pace.…
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A Series on Gaza & Its Astounding Parallels with 9/11: PART 1 — “A Territory or Country is Targeted for Previously Established Geostrategic Goals”
Has the Israeli government betrayed its own people, as well as the Palestinians, with it’s own “9/11 Moment”? If you haven’t read the important introduction yet, then we encourage you to read it first: The Palestinian death toll has reached more than 30,000 with more than 70,000 wounded. About 70% of these casualties are women and children.…
Astounding Parallels: 9/11 & Covid – Video Presentation Updated/Overhauled/Augmented
Our most complete presentation of the Covid subject – 2-hour best ever! For the last six months I’ve been finding and saving a ton of gems to expose the Covid plandemic. Well, I received a call to do my upgraded Covid Parallels presentation from Scott Zimmerman of MagaScene.US, so I went to work on the…
Gaza – The Astounding Parallels with 9/11 – Introduction
Has the Israeli government, with it’s “9/11 moment,” betrayed its own people as well as the Palestinians? by Richard Gage, AIA Introduction to the 20-Part Series If we learned anything from our collective research in the 9/11 Truth Movement it was that our Government and Media lied to us — on a colossal scale — from the cause…
Continue Reading Gaza – The Astounding Parallels with 9/11 – Introduction
RG911 Delivers WTC Evidence in Spades to Conservatives at “America Fest” Convention in Phoenix, AZ
14,000 Conservative Christians Exposed; 1,500 Brochures Accepted; A Dozen Interviews & Requests – like Roger Stone and Tim Poole of TimCast; Also… Speaking Engagement Requests! How fortunate we were to hear of this major relevant convention just in the nick of time—thanks to our booth neighbors Kim Yaeter and Johnathon Alexander who, having interviewed us…
Jimmy Dore to Interview Prof. Leroy Hulsey Re: WTC 7 Study from University of Alaska
This is the 9/11 WTC 7 forensic engineer on Jimmy’s show! Friday December 8, 2023 Yesterday it was Tucker Carlson interviewing Alex Jones about his 9/11 predictions — with more than 6M views. Today’s 9/11 interview is going to be Jimmy Dore who will have on his show one of the top forensic structural engineers in the…
German PhD Structural Engineer, Physics Professor & Explosives Expert Max Ruppert – Out of the 9/11 Closet, On-Stage!
Declares: “…the beginning of the end of science.” As the founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, I’ve been collecting architects and engineers for the last 18 years. 3,600 in all. But I’ve never come across a structural engineer who’s also a professor of physics and an explosion expert – and who was willing to speak the…
RG911 Reaches 1.2M Views on Patrick Bet-David Valuetainment Podcast
“Can Jet Fuel Melt Steel Beams?”…..Wait for it!…. [7 minutes] Maybe jet fuel can’t melt steel beams – but something else sure as hell did: https://youtu.be/xWi0x9xigQM?si=PWkUIQP0UruRpMCw This 7-minute segment was part of our original 1 3/4 hour Podcast #183 which has garnered 57K views and can be seen here: https://richardgage911.org/richardgage911-interviewed-on-valuetainment-by-youtube-giant-patrick-bet-david-reaching-millions-now/
Continue Reading RG911 Reaches 1.2M Views on Patrick Bet-David Valuetainment Podcast
Parallels: 9/11 & Covid – The Video You Want to Watch
RG911 Presents to “Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics Int’l” Last week we were invited by Dr. Stephen Frost, the founder of Australia’s “Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics Int’l” to share our full 2 hour “9/11 & Covid Parallels” presentation to the group. We have had several requests to present to groups of Doctors around the country — both in…
Continue Reading Parallels: 9/11 & Covid – The Video You Want to Watch
“Israel’s 9/11 Moment”?!
Did Israel Let It Happen On Purpose (LIHOP)? Former IDF tower guard blows whistle raising questions about authenticity of official “surprise” narrative. In his recent Substack, Robert Morningstar points toward some of the many parallels between 9/11 and the Hamas attack, Sun, Oct 8, 2023 at 8:25 pm. While most researchers in the 9/11 truth movement…
RG911 Presents “Parallels: 9/11 & Covid” – Portland, OR
Recorded in Portland, OR on the 10-City RV Speaking Tour Stop Recorded! We send a huge heart full of gratitude to Bill Coons! You can watch the whole video now: Richard Gage, AIA, Architect presents the astonishing parallels between the 9/11 event 22 years ago, and the more recent Covid 19 series of events. These…
Continue Reading RG911 Presents “Parallels: 9/11 & Covid” – Portland, OR
RG911 Winds Up 10-City RV Speaking Tour with WTC Evidence in Seattle
Also, Full Video Available from Portland Tour Stop: “Astonishing Parallels – 9/11 & Covid”! We had plenty of spirit at all of the stops on our 10-City West Coast RV Speaking Tour, thanks to the amazing local activists and their friends & family who showed up to learn all about “The Explosive Destruction of the…
Continue Reading RG911 Winds Up 10-City RV Speaking Tour with WTC Evidence in Seattle
Multiple September 11th Anniversary Events Bring 9/11 Truth Back to the Big Apple
Hyperactive Season for RichardGage911 – New York City & Everywhere Else! We are seeing to it that the 9/11 Truth Movement succeeds! Hello RG911 supporters! No sooner did we fly back from New York City, when everything seemed to break loose for the much-anticipated RG911 10-city RV speaking tour! Coordination demands took over our lives! But now that…
Continue Reading Multiple September 11th Anniversary Events Bring 9/11 Truth Back to the Big Apple
Northern CA, Oregon, Washington RV Speaking Tour!
Sept 20 to Oct 1 – with RichardGage911 Join Richard & Gail in or near YOUR City! Live in California? Oregon? Washington? Or know someone who does? Do them a personal favor and send them into the rabbit hole for a night. We will give them 2 hours of 9/11 Truth. And they will, in…
Continue Reading Northern CA, Oregon, Washington RV Speaking Tour!
10 Powerful 9/11 Truth Events This September!
Capped by the RichardGage911 10-Stop West Coast RV Speaking Tour! While the mainstream narrative often dominates discussions surrounding this somber anniversary, the 9/11 Truth Movement persists, dedicated to unraveling and exposing the truth – dedicated to seeking justice. This year’s anniversary hosts a series of events – each hoping to break through the public morass,…
Continue Reading 10 Powerful 9/11 Truth Events This September!
There’s a New Kid on the Block. And He’s Carrying a Big Stick!
International Center for 9/11 Justice Launches with Breakthrough Peer-Reviewed WTC 7 Paper The International Center for 9/11 Justice was created by a set of very influential 9/11 researchers and activists. And it’s not just another average organization. This major effort, headed by a consortium of well-respected influential figures in the 9/11 Truth Movement, is effectively resurrecting the…
Continue Reading There’s a New Kid on the Block. And He’s Carrying a Big Stick!
“Worst Structural Failure in Modern History” vs. “Fire Protection Industry”: Live in Las Vegas!
‘A Force to be Reckoned With’ at the National Fire Protection Association Convention in Las Vegas – PAPA Reels in 283 requests for email follow-up with film “Calling Out Bravo 7”! We did it in Boston. Now we’ve done it in Las Vegas: This was our second year of bringing three days of “the worst…
PAPA to Red-Pill National Fire Protection Association at Las Vegas Convention
Send in the 9/11 Truth Dream Team with the ‘Protecting All Protectors Evidence Booth’ – Just $3,100 to Raise! Yup! The 9/11 Truth Movement is betting on YOU in Las Vegas! We at Protecting All Protectors Alliance (PAPA) are ready to teach the firefighters – again! Help us to WIN BIG in Vegas! Our outreach efforts at last year’s National…
Continue Reading PAPA to Red-Pill National Fire Protection Association at Las Vegas Convention
Mike Adams of Brighteon.tv & Natural News Interviews/Promotes RichardGage911
“The ‘Health Ranger’ Interview is my Best Ever!!” – Richard by Gail Gage You surely don’t want to miss this one! Mike encouraged Richard to run away with it — and then added 169 of our powerful 9/11 videos and images to the interview! Watch on Brighteon.com (17K) Watch on Rumble (6K views) Watch on Bitchute (6K views)…
Continue Reading Mike Adams of Brighteon.tv & Natural News Interviews/Promotes RichardGage911
9/11 Street Activism: Legal Graffiti
Trace Wall, Bloomfield, PA What’s that you say? You don’t have any artistic talent? Anyone can make a smiley face and write 9/11 Truth! That 2 minutes of spunk from you will end up drawing in many eyes and trigger a thought not only in passersby, but in other graffiti artists as well. I’m not…
Co-Produce the Joint LC911-RG911 “9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom”!
Phase 1 and Phase 2 are both “in-the-can” and we are officially now in post-production. We’re back from Washington DC filming of the Twin Towers evidence segments of the Film Series !! Day 1 – Pre-Release Footage Excerpts: On the Set / Behind the Scenes / the Giving Ladder: Watch Gail & friends who filmed…
Continue Reading Co-Produce the Joint LC911-RG911 “9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom”!
Austin Bonus Report: RG911 Visits Highwire Live Broadcast with Del Bigtree
Studio Set Tour with Del; Florida Surgeon General Interviewed; Neil deGrasse Tyson Debate Gail and I met Del Bigtree at the Anarchapulco event in Mexico when we both spoke there together a couple of years ago. So when we saw him speak at the Independent National Convention 2023 he gave us a big hug and…
Continue Reading Austin Bonus Report: RG911 Visits Highwire Live Broadcast with Del Bigtree
REPORT 3 of 3: Speaking Engagements – RG911 Austin Speaking Tour
3 Presentations (RG911 & Mark Anderson): Parallels of 9/11 & Covid; WTC Explosive Evidence; Media Cartel [See Report 1 of 3: The Panels ] [ See Report 2 of 3: The Evidence Booth ] The local Austin 9/11 Truth Seekers group graciously hosted 2 speaking engagements separate from the Independent National Convention 2023 — at…
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James O’Keefe: REMOVED As CEO Of Project Veritas – at Veritas HQ [Full Speech]
Deja vu from 18 months ago @ AE911Truth https://youtu.be/1JPxqKjYG9Q James O’Keefe REMOVED As CEO Of Project Veritas, FULL SPEECH From James At Veritas HQ We in the 9/11 Truth Movement fully support James O’Keefe and his legacy of truth-revelations – such as the largest exposure yet of malfeasance at Pfizer (Covid gain-of-function) via a hidden camera targeted…
Continue Reading James O’Keefe: REMOVED As CEO Of Project Veritas – at Veritas HQ [Full Speech]
9/11 Forensic Analytics: RG911 Presents on C-Vine News Network
Linda Forsythe Hosts 90-min Presentation: 9/11 Explosive WTC Evidence Be sure to watch this very unusual presentation of the 9/11 evidence on C-Vine. Richard is virtually uninterrupted, as journalist Linda Forsythe seems spellbound by the rapid-fire irrefutable facts. Richard pointed out to me that this is his best and most complete consolidated 90-minute presentation yet.…
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The Final Deep Dive – #8: “Predictive Programming” & “Revelation of the Method”
Ann Vandersteel of The Zelenko Report & RG911 Complete the “9/11 & Covid Parallels” Series with the Ultimate Rabbit Hole [See Part 1 & 2: Ann Vandersteel of ‘The Zelenko Report’ Hosts RG911 for Multi-Part WTC Evidence Series] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #3: Extreme Heat at WTC 7] [See 9/11: WTC “Deep Dive #4”] [See…
Continue Reading The Final Deep Dive – #8: “Predictive Programming” & “Revelation of the Method”
Ann Vandersteel Offers Deep Dive #7: “The Parallels of 9/11 & Covid” w/RG911
The Zelenko Report Broadcasts Kevin Ryan’s “Parallels” [See Part 1 & 2: Ann Vandersteel of ‘The Zelenko Report’ Hosts RG911 for Multi-Part WTC Evidence Series] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #3: Extreme Heat at WTC 7] [See 9/11: WTC “Deep Dive #4”] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #5: “The Twin Towers and Extreme Heat”] [See 9/11 Deep…
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9/11 Deep Dive #6: “Parallels of 9/11 & Covid” Hosted by Ann Vandersteel
The Zelenko Report Broadcasts 9/11 Truth to Huge Audience [See Part 1 & 2: Ann Vandersteel of ‘The Zelenko Report’ Hosts RG911 for Multi-Part WTC Evidence Series] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #3: Extreme Heat at WTC 7] [See 9/11: WTC “Deep Dive #4”] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #5: “The Twin Towers and Extreme Heat”] [See…
Continue Reading 9/11 Deep Dive #6: “Parallels of 9/11 & Covid” Hosted by Ann Vandersteel
UK’s Top Talk Show Host Interviews 9/11 Lawyers’ Committee
George Galloway Broadcasts Attorney Mick Harrison of LC911 The last time George Galloway interviewed us at RichardGage911 it garnered 62,000 views – so this is no small venue for the 9/11 Truth to reach a very international Audience. Mick Harrison does a great job in the 20 minutes that he had to bring George up…
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9/11 Deep Dive #5: “The Twin Towers and Extreme Heat” on the Zelenko Report w/ RG911
Ann Vandersteel Broadcasts Powerful 9/11 Truth Series to a Vast Audience! [See Part 1 & 2: Ann Vandersteel of ‘The Zelenko Report’ Hosts RG911 for Multi-Part WTC Evidence Series] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #3: Extreme Heat at WTC 7] [See 9/11: WTC “Deep Dive #4”] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #6: “Parallels of 9/11 & Covid”]…
Did You Know RichardGage911 is the Primary 9/11 Truth Speaker Today?
Join Us! And We Will Break Through in 2023! Yes – NOW is when your gift means the most! Not tomorrow. Not next year. We have BIG plans for 2023 to awaken the public worldwide to the truth about 9/11. But we need to start today. Donate Now – For 2023 Success! We must combine our skills and resources…
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9/11: WTC “Deep Dive #4” at The Zelenko Report: The Twin Towers Explosive Evidence
Ann Vandersteel Releases “Twin Towers Explosive Destruction” to conservatives [See Part 1 & 2: Ann Vandersteel of ‘The Zelenko Report’ Hosts RG911 for Multi-Part WTC Evidence Series] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #3: Extreme Heat at WTC 7] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #5: “The Twin Towers and Extreme Heat”] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #6: “Parallels of…
Continue Reading 9/11: WTC “Deep Dive #4” at The Zelenko Report: The Twin Towers Explosive Evidence
RG911 Opens 2023 with “Restore Freedom Rally” Speaking Engagement in Orlando
Gage Invited to Speak by Freedom Law School – alongside Del Bigtree, Judy Mikovits, Dr. Rashid Battar, Sheriff Richard Mack & others – Hundreds of Attendees Expected We met the CEO of Freedom Law School, Peymon Mottahedeh, again at the recent G. Edward Griffin “Red Pill Expo”, where he belted out “We’ve got to have…
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Merry Christmas and a Truth-Filled New Year!!
Wishing you love, peace, and joy…and a New Year charged with hope! Dearest RG911 Supporters, We pause during this time of information warfare and battle over humanity to wish you peace in knowing and believing that truth WILL prevail over the lies — love over hate, light over shadows, and joy over mourning. May the…
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Zelenko Report Publishes 9/11 Deep Dive #3: Extreme Heat at WTC 7
Ann Vandersteel Interview of RG911 Penetrates to a Million Conservatives [See Part 1 & 2: Ann Vandersteel of ‘The Zelenko Report’ Hosts RG911 for Multi-Part WTC Evidence Series] [See 9/11: WTC “Deep Dive #4”] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #5: “The Twin Towers and Extreme Heat”] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #6: “Parallels of 9/11 & Covid”]…
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Ann Vandersteel of ‘The Zelenko Report’ Hosts RG911 for Multi-Part WTC Evidence Series [Part 1 & 2]
Watch the 9/11 Truth Breakthrough Now – Part 1 & 2 Reached 2M Viewers in Conservative Circles [See 9/11 Deep Dive #3: Extreme Heat at WTC 7] [See 9/11: WTC “Deep Dive #4”] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #5: “The Twin Towers and Extreme Heat”] [See 9/11 Deep Dive #6: “Parallels of 9/11 & Covid”] [See…
David Ray Griffin – 1939 to 2022
His Life and Work – A Celebration It is with a very heavy heart that we share the news that our friend and mentor in the great 9/11 Truth work, Prof. David Ray Griffin, has succumbed to his long battle with cancer and passed away on November 25, 2022. We invite you to join us…
9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom – Filmed in Washington DC!
RG911/LC911 Dream Team Shoots Initial Episodes of Highly Anticipated Film Series When YOU Co-Produce a film series YOU go all the way! Thank You to all of our wonderful donors who sent us to capture our impassioned footage at the Supreme Court and in our ‘Grand Jury Conference Room’ for this unprecedented historic film series.…
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YOU are the 9/11 Truth Movement!
Action is the Name of the Game – Any Action By Sandra Jelmi Every movement worth its salt has relevant leaders at the helm—giving a sense of direction and purpose, a vision to rally behind. Some of these leaders are individuals – like David Ray Griffin, Richard Gage, Kevin Ryan, etc. – others are organizations,…
Join the RichardGage911 Inner Circle!
Attend Our 4th-Sunday Monthly Strategy Conf. Call – 4pm Pacific 10/23/22 Greetings to each of you – our wonderful friends in the 9/11 Truth Movement! With the generous help from our subscribers, and with particular gratitude to our Inner Circle Members (at the $300/Year support level), Gail and I are continuing the extensive critical work here…
The Real Anthony Fauci | The Movie
You’re aware of the book. You were waiting to see the movie. Your time is now! Part 1 of this long-awaited documentary is FREE to watch, NOW – but for 10 days only. Gail and I are whole-hearted supporters of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense since well before our foray into…
9/11 Truth Film Festival – Watch Livestream-Archive Videos Free!
Instantly access and watch the extraordinary September 11 event! Hello faithful 9/11 Truth supporters! The 9/11 Truth Film Festival livestream-archive is free to watch instantly in our new multi-theater complex! Gail and I have been getting fantastic feedback on this historic event and we are now opening it up to everybody. You can now experience these…
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Metropolia/Helsinki University Class Brings in RG911 to Teach Explosive WTC Evidence
37 Students | 3 Hours | A Dozen Tough Questions Professor Donald Jordan teaches at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, School of Real Estate and Construction, in the Research Development and Innovation Department in Helsinki, Finland where he lives. He is relentless in having every one of his students exercise critical thinking relative to the…
Successful September 11th Outreach in Jackson, MS – RG911 Member Michael Atkinson Rakes in the Newbies
9/11 Truth Booth Offers Fair-Goers 9/11 Truth Educational Moment at “WellsFest 2022” September was a busy month for most 9/11 Truth activists! While Gail and I were focused on our first 9/11 Truth Film Festival and a couple dozen radio interviews many others were out there in the streets helping people to understand the truth…
Join the RichardGage911 Inner Circle
Attend Tomorrow’s Monthly Strategy Conf. Call – 3pm Sunday 9/25/22 [ Yes – the Conference Call changed to 3pm this month! ] Greetings to all of our wonderful friends in the 9/11 Truth Movement! With the generous help from our subscribers, and with particular gratitude to our Inner Circle Members (at the $300/Year support level), Gail and I…
New Video: The Incredible Parallels Between 9/11 & COVID | Richard Gage, AIA and Madhava Setty, MD
This unique presentation is an exercise in “sense making.” We look at the incredible Parallels between the 9/11 and COVID19 Deep State False Flag events which developed originally by Kevin Ryan. These are the two events that have had the largest impact on our society. But were they “intended outcomes” and thus “planned events”? Review…
RG911 Presents Live in Miami
Local 9/11 Truth Group brings “Parallels: 9/11 & Covid” to Town By Gail Gage Every time we go to a city, for whatever reason, in this case for the in-studio interview with PBD Podcast at Valuetainment in Fort Lauderdale, we try to set up a speaking engagement in concert with the local 9/11 Truth group. And we…
RichardGage911 Interviewed on “Valuetainment” by YouTube Giant Patrick Bet-David – Reaching Millions Now
Gage Flown to FT. Lauderdale for In-studio Clash with Skeptics to 3.5M YT subscribers [Note: Following this September 13th interview by Patrick bet-David of the PBD Podcast on “Valuetainment” a few in the 9/11 Truth Movement have expressed concern about my responses to the host’s questions about my position on a number of ‘conspiracy theories’. I…
RichardGage911 Reaches up to 500,000 on The Stew Peters Show
Dynamic high-production interview enlightens new audience with the 9/11 WTC Evidence Today 9/11 Truth plowed into a brand new audience, ultimately reaching up to a million people. Stew displayed a combination of guiding Richard, and just letting him go for it completely unhindered. I was very impressed by how smooth and flowing the entire interview…
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Seems Everyone Wants to Interview RichardGage911 All of a Sudden
Great interviews – Watch and Share! The list continues to grow. One of Richard’s undeniable gifts is to deliver a Class A interview! While we are extremely busy producing the film series 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom, I’ll be sharing interviews of RichardGage911 from this past year with all of you. Some are already available for you…
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[Video Avail.] Amazing Parallels Between 9/11 & Covid
Great news! You can now see this long-awaited video for a short period of time! G. Edward Griffin Draws 2 Dozen Power-Speakers to Wake Up Indianapolis! Gail and I hope that you will be able to make the time to see what the fuss was all about. As detailed below, this turned out to be…
Continue Reading [Video Avail.] Amazing Parallels Between 9/11 & Covid
Pausing our weekly podcasts, to make our new film…
It’s MY turn to ask for YOUR help! Dear Friend of RichardGage911, We hope that you are enjoying our challenging and educational podcasts, webinars, and posts! It has been deeply rewarding to have you on our team appreciating our hard work on behalf of the 9/11 Truth Movement. And now we invite you into a…
Continue Reading Pausing our weekly podcasts, to make our new film…
RG911 delivers “Amazing Parallels Between 9/11 & Covid” to Hundreds at 2022 Red Pill Expo
G. Edward Griffin Draws 2 Dozen Power-Speakers to Wake Up Indianapolis! We were honored to speak to this distinguished crowd of the awakened and the awakening. Turns out by a show of hands, that this was the first exposure to 9/11 for at least a dozen attendees. I love it when their jaw drops at…
Red Pill Expo Starts in 4 Days!
RichardGage911 to present at RPE in Indianapolis July 9 – the countdown is on! That’s right friends, the Red Pill Expo is right around the corner! It’s not too late to register for virtual attendance if you cannot attend in person, and there are still tickets available if you’d like to make the trip and…
2011 CIT Letter From Richard Gage, AIA: “Complete Withdrawal of Support for the “National Security Alert” from the Citizens Investigation Team
(A record of my only letter, on the Pentagon subject) In early 2009, I watched the “National Security Alert” video by the Citizen Investigation Team (CIT) where recollections of 10 eyewitness accounts of the attack on the Pentagon were presented (of many more that were interviewed). These accounts included the witnesses’ recollection of the path…
Red Pill Expo to feature “The Amazing Parallels Between 9/11 & Covid” Inspired by Kevin Ryan
RichardGage911 Presents July 8-10 in Indianapolis, IN! The Red Pill Expo is the premier yearly conference for alternative views on current and historical events in the world. RichardGage911 has been selected to present the dark truth about 9/11 yet again at this annual event held July 8-10. We spoke at the first RPE in Bozeman,…
PAPA Reveals Building 7 Collapse to Thousands of Fire Professionals at Boston NFPA Convention
Erik Lawyer & Fire Dept Captain Raul Angulo, Richard Gage, and Erik Lawyer of Protecting All Protectors Alliance with Boston 9/11 Volunteers Educate National Fire Protection Association Members The incredible volunteers at Boston911 made it all possible. They just want to get it done! They never stop. And they don’t show any signs of doing…
RG911 Speaks to Hundreds at 4th International Advanced Medicine Conference – Hosted by Dr. Rashid Buttar
Major Speaking Event in San Antonio, TX, Reaps Embrace of 9/11 Truth in Alternative Medical Field The Advanced Medicine Conference brings the “who’s who” in the field of alternative medicine each year. Richard was honored to be asked by the conference host Dr. Rashid Battar to bring the 9/11 WTC explosive evidence to this esteemed group. This invitation to…
Sneak Peek: RG911 Team all set up in San Antonio Texas – “Parallels: 9/11 & Covid”
Advanced Medicine Conference hosted by Dr. Rashid Buttar We are in San Antonio at the 4th annual International Conference of Advanced Medicine, where Richard presented – this time with emphasis on Kevin Ryan‘s excellent work “Parallels: 9/11 & Covid”. Why would we be invited to speak to hundreds of healthcare professionals about the World Trade…
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“Black 9/11: Money, Motive and Technology” with Author Mark H. Gaffney
What is the dark underbelly of 9/11? Mark Gaffney takes us on the journey of his own journey down the rabbit hole of “Black 9/11”. https://rumble.com/embed/v13e9pu/?pub=4 Did the Securities & Exchange Commission really create a list of 38 suspect companies? What major financial corporations made the list? What was the outcome of that investigation? Were…
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Carbon Nanotubes in the WTC Dust
Welcome to “Kevin Ryan appreciation Sunday”! (Posted originally on February 9, 2020 by Kevin Ryan) At the Toronto Hearings in 2011, Professor Niels Harrit described a new discovery related to the World Trade Center (WTC) dust. That new discovery was the presence of carbon nanotubes in the residues of nanothermite ignition. The importance of these results relates to…
TEN IRREFUTABLE, DEVASTATING 9/11 FACTS – Elias Davidsson and Craig McKee
The U.S. has utterly failed to provide hard evidence to substantiate its version of events. (Reprinted in honor of the late Elias Davidsson – a renowned 9/11 researcher.) Scholars who attempt to elucidate the crime perpetrated on 9/11 – who are commonly referred to as 9/11 truthers – are often criticized for relying on conjecture…
Continue Reading TEN IRREFUTABLE, DEVASTATING 9/11 FACTS – Elias Davidsson and Craig McKee
Who killed John O’Neil?
Director Ty Rauber and writer/actor Ryan Thurston connect the dots from JFK, OKC, WTC ‘93, to 9/11 in this comprehensive and intense film about coming to terms with the psyop and false-flag of 9/11. https://youtu.be/MSyFD51vN_4 Today we share one of our favorite 9/11 Truth films – made in 2004. We anticipate that you will learn…
Sudden Building Collapse – An Independent WTC 7 Analysis from the UK
“An Evaluation of a New Risk in Operational Firefighting” – Updated March 2020 Download/review full report “Let’s first define why this is so important. In terms of political history, this is probably the most important building collapse ever to have occurred; not just from an architectural perspective, not only because it raises very significant questions…
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